Revolutionizing Pain Care Through Data Storytelling
At Celéri Health, we specialize in harnessing pain data to transform patient care. Our unique portfolio, built on a proprietary platform, is dedicated to collecting and utilizing pain data. From patient-reported outcomes to the world’s largest pain dataset, we’re revolutionizing pain management and care planning. Discover our innovative products: PainIntel™, PainRWD™ Science Cloud, and PainExplorer™."
Apps by this developer
Analytics, Clinical Research, Patient Education, Remote Patient Monitoring, Speech to Text, Patient Engagement
Compatible Products:
Veradigm EHR (formerly Professional EHR), Veradigm Practice Management (formerly Allscripts PM)
PainIntel offers advanced analytics capabilities to understand pain patterns and patient responses. By leveraging data-driven insights, this tool aids in personalizing pain management strategies, ensuring each patient receives tailored care based on their unique pain profile. ...